Tag Archives: 2.5 Billion

This is how we do it!

This is how we do it!

Half the world’s population simply wants what the other half takes for granted.

At the turn of the new Millennium, the World Bank carried out a massive effort designed to understand poverty from the perspective of the poor, interviewing more than 60,000 underprivileged women and men from 60 countries for its landmark Voices of the Poorproject. What was most important to them?  Providing for their families good food, healthcare, education for their children, safety and dignity. In other words, half the world’s population – the 2.5 billion women, men and children living at the base of the pyramid — simply wants what the other half takes for granted.

There is a deal of talk on Social Innovation and solutions that can provide succour to underprivileged people, particularly in rural areas, education, access to healthcare, good jobs, higher incomes and better social status.

Fostering equity, sustainability and enterprise require reforms at every level, from government to business, community and the economy. But such change doesn’t happen organically; it is brought in by social entrepreneurs who catalyze the need in every individual to move towards freedom, self-sustenance and opportunity into a vital force to help people help themselves.

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